
Encountra, By Flashpoint
Content Management 2


A fully featured content management system

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Portfolio Management

Digital Assets

A toolkit for managing all your digital assets

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People Chatting


Functionality for managing all of your busines contacts and partners

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Tools for managing your club membership and payments

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Email Campaigns

Automate communication to your members and contacts

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Tools for document storage and revision

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Functionality to automate digital processes and workflow

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Cashbook, payments, forecasting and banking tools

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Tools for customers, e-commerce, billing, sales, timesheets, projects

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Tools for OCR and invoices, approvals and integration

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Advanced user management, roles and security

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Custom Development

Let us bring your ideas to life with custom features

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dashboard 1

Content Management

  • Content Production

    Easy Website Management

    Instantly update your website, change text, modify layout, add images, reorder pages, review and publish.

  • Database Management

    Connected to Your Data

    Encountra connects your web site to your data. In fact everything in the system is data driven, from the look and feel, right down to testimonials, portfolio, galleries, search engine terms, style sheets, scripts and more.

    You can keep it simple and just do the data entry, or your designers and coders can get really stuck in, like we do.

  • Team

    Create a Content Team

    Let your people work on the part of your content they need. Choose your preferred workflow. Assign a team to a project. Choose what each member can see and update. Allow them to edit, preview, review and/or publish. Turn on collaboration features and share ideas and tasks

  • Cloud Connected

    Create Customer and Private Portals

    Set up pages for registration and login. Create some user groups. Let the system know which pages the groups can access. The content portal and site users are drawn from the standard contacts systems so they can be your own people, suppliers, customers or other busines partners. This makes it easy to allow and manage their access.

digital image management

Digital Assets

  • Documentation

    Digital Asset Storage

    Items such as images, audio, video and documents can be managed as digital assets. Multiple item types can be set up and these can be uploaded to the system or linked by a web address.

  • Browser

    Comprehensive Search

    The system categorises your assets into broad groups. Within these groups they are given an owner, category, description, keywords and dates. These are then used for searching and extraction as content. Each project within your application environment can access assets from nominated or shared owners

  • Database

    Speedy Updates and Retrieval

    Asset information can easily be updated, edited and replaced. These changes operate seamlessly with your content and other attached systems. A powerful extraction system automatically maintains physical and cached copies of these and makes these available as needed. Assets can be published from staging to live environments just like any other content.

customer talking

Contact Management

  • Agent

    Single Point Of Access

    All contacts, users, suppliers, customers, members and other business partners are managed through a single sub system. Multiple contacts types can be applied to each contact. From the one system you can access, maintain and manage everything you need.

  • Bookmarked Document

    Access Everything You Need

    From the one system you can access, maintain, and manage everything you need. This includes transactions, attached documents, history, emails, communications, conversations and more.

  • Data Security

    Privacy and Security

    Your contacts are assured of privacy. Sensitive data is encrypted. Users can only access contacts as defined by their portfolios. Within those contacts they can only access functionality to which they have been given rights.

community club

Membership Management

  • Team

    Advanced Contact Information

    Club members are a specialised form of the standard contact. Once assigned, additional details such as their membership number, membership type and primary account information can be recorded. Commonly, they are also assigned as a mail subscriber, for mail campaigns.

  • Read Mail

    Mail Campaigns

    In conjunction with the campaign manager you can set up weekly, monthly and one-off email campaigns to communicate newletters, events, AGM information and more. These can be created and formatted by hand or (even better) automatically extracted from data in your content system. This data can include calendar events, draw and grant information and advertising. If it's the content management system it can be sent out and automated if you want. The club module also provides a dedicated mail process for sending out renewal information.

  • Webpage

    Web Site Integration

    If you are using Encountra to run your web site, membership can be integrated directly with the site. This includes links from emails to items on the website, taking payments for ticketed events, and processing renewal payments. A dedicated private members portal, can be added to your website, and can include any functionality you need.

  • Cloud Connected

    External Imports

    The system provides a specialised import for membership information from other external systems. If used this will synchronise active members, and keep track of membership status, types and even balances

campaign management

Email Campaigns

  • Email_2

    Automated Email Campaigns

    Targeted email, form newsletters, personalised bulk emails, purchase confirmations. They can be run manually, triggered from events or workflow or fully automated. Whether built-in or a customised process - it can all be done.

  • Database Management

    Integrated With Your Data

    Be it a simple mail merge or a fully targeted campaign, your data can be used. Data can be automatically extracted and formatted from your content management system, your digital assets, your system contacts, your product offerings, your billings and any other module within the system

  • Celebrating

    Track Your Campaign Successes

    The system includes a built-in campaign tracker, which tracks progress on sent, received and opened emails. This data can be graphed and shown in your dashboard. If you need something even more powerful, we can set you up to run through a third-party provider

  • Digital Marketing

    Targeted Landing Pages

    Couple with the content management system, you can add in links to targeted landing pages, providing specials, specific information and additional tracking

document management 1

Document Manager

  • Documentation

    Unified Document and File Manager

    Store all company documents in a single place, searchable by title, summary, keywords, author, date and reference number. Explore the relationships between these documents and other data in your system. This can include automated documents such as supplier and debtor invoices, employee receipts, procedural and system documentation.

  • Press Release

    Review, Revise, Reload and Revert

    Review documents with collaboration features, revise them, then upload them back into the system. All revisions are stored and numbered. At any stage you can view a previous revision, and, if necessary, revert to that version.

  • Data Security

    Secure and Safe

    Documents can be made private, available to selected users, or public. Document access is also governed by speciliased security rules covering document types and business areas, within the user's nominated roles. The repository is secure and only temporary private copies are created when needed.

automation planning


  • Prototype

    Processes and Workflow

    Encountra includes a powerful automation engine that processes your information, in the background, whenever its needed.

  • Time Optimization

    What Does it Do?

    Currently it's used everywhere in the system where any background process makes sense. It is used to produce reports, publish content, control email campaigns, source and approve supplier invoices and data, send customer invoices, import bank statements, reconcile transactions and more.

    In our customers' systems it is often used to provide automation between disparate systems.

  • Information

    How Does It Work?

    When set up, the automation manager will respond to user requests, system events, workflow triggers, API calls and file system changes.

    It can run on demand or be set up to run at a particular time (and date). It can also run at scheduled intervals. When connected to workflows it will be triggered by the workflow event. For the file system changes it can respond to files created, changed or removed.

    It is a standardised engine which can be used to perform any background task



  • Time Based Payment


    Manage and approve bank payments for supplier invoices, expenses, refunds. Validate payment accounts and perform analysis for potential fraud. Approved payments can be exported your bank or interfaced with common accounting packages

  • Download Manager

    Import and Reconcile

    Import your bank statements across multiple accounts and reconcile these to cashbook or account ledgers. Use reconciliation rules and auto matching. Allocate these to your general ledger accounts. Produce your GST returns

  • Rising

    Cashflow Forecasting

    A revolutionary tool that allows you to predict your cashflow months ahead, for multiple account ranges. Simply add your known income and expenses by type, including one-off and recurring items. Add any other planned amounts, drop a value for estimated items and the module will calculate everything for you, years ahead. From then on you simply enter your opening balances and adjust entries as needed to see an ongoing future total.

  • Monetary Help

    Billing Estimation

    Another useful tool, which allows you to quickly calculate and keep a running estimate of your ongoing billings. This includes calculating daily, weekly and monthly quantity billing, and adding in any annual items, including expected commission payments.

timesheets and receipts


  • Credit Cards

    Purchase and Billing

    Track, manage and control e-commerce purchases, business billing and debtors reconciliation. Automate invoice production with clever rules based on source of transaction, customer type and billing cycle. Automate invoice sending to customers, with optional approval steps, personalise customer email and invoices

  • Time Management

    Time, Materials and Services

    Incorporate timesheet and project billing. Set up specialist service and service type amounts. Allow for non-inventory materials billing.

  • Vending

    Coming Soon!

    Full product and inventory billing, including integrated e-commerce and shipping fulfillment.

Loading dock


  • Bill

    AI OCR Invoice Recognition

    Have your suppliers send their invoices to a centralised mailbox. Automatically recognise and import most supplier invoices. Download the accompanying documents into your document subsystem and attach them to the supplier and transaction.

  • Checklist

    Checks and Approvals

    Define coding and approval levels and rules for each invoice type or supplier. Automate, accept, approve and reject invoices as necessary. Send rejection emails and requests for clarification.

  • Send Payment

    Accounting and Payments

    Post approved invoices to the creditors ledger and send them through to the banking system for payment. Alternatively you can post them directly into one of the common account systems

digital image management

User Management

  • Secure System

    Data Security

    Encountra features role and function based security for all standard operations. This is augmented with additional security for the following modules:

    Document Management The system adds document type, category and grouping layers

    Contact Management Encountra adds contact type and portfolio access. Portfolios are designed around contact selection based on numerous existing and custom atttributes

    Content Management For each project the user is assigned to a content team. Each team member is granted access to different types of content and different levels of edit, approve and publish.

  • Data Security

    Password And Access Rules

    The system provides multiple levels of password security and lockout rules. It also supports multi-factor authentication and single-sign on for enterprise environments

  • Tracking

    Activity Tracking and Auditing

    The system records user activity on all major data changes. In addition per-item level auditing can be switched on for any or all nominated database entities

application coding

Custom Development

  • Developer

    Content Managed Web Site?

    We are here for you. You can choose from a range of templates or let us help your create a unique design to suit your vision. We'll pick and choose the best bits, and get it all ready for you. Once it's built we can host it for you and show you all the tricks you need to forge ahead.

  • Code

    Need Something Unique?

    Lets us bring your ideas to life. New functionality? Custom module for your business? Big idea for a new application? We can help. Encountra is a complete framework for developing applications and websites.

  • Sharing

    Customised Processes, Automations, and Content Widgets?

    These are all plugin driven so we can simply build each item you need, and get you moving, fast!.