
Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is, in general, a strategic marketing tool that increases a site’s popularity and visibility among searchers. It gives major consideration on search algorithms and how they work as well as what internet users usually search for.

Search engines like Google and Yahoo rank websites based on an algorithm that measures many different factors with the ultimate aim of delivering a relevant experience to someone looking for information. To do this, a company must "optimize" its website so that Google and other search engines understand what the site is all about, and ultimately display it on the search engine results pages when someone is looking for related information.

The efforts of SEO involve a site’s presentation, over-all structure and coding and resolving of problems that could keep indexing programs of search engines from spidering a site fully. Other significant efforts include incorporating unique site contents to ensure that it is indexed easily by search engines. It is also important to make the site interesting to create a good appeal among users.

Through SEO, the goal is to generate a good volume of traffic to your website via search results for specific or targeted keywords. Early site presentation in search results or a higher ranking for that particular site make it more likely that searchers will visit the site. Image searches, local and even industry-specific information can be also be targeted with SEO.

Successful search engine optimization requires exceptional skills and expertise that Flashpoint can provide. We can analyze your current company website, and make recommendations for changes that will improve your results.

If you have an Encountra based web site we can also teach you how to do this yourself, and help out from time to time as you need us.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

We can also provide extensive advertising for our clients. SEM includes such things as paid listings and other search-engine related services and functions that will increase exposure and traffic to your Web site. It may include writing articles for submission to online industry journals, designing banner advertising and subscribing to pay per click services through the major search engines or social networking sites.

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Did You Know...

Encountra provides comprehensive support for location and branch data, if required. Each location supports a code, email, phone, fax and addres information. For branch or retail outlets the module also includes opening hours. In addition the module also supports direct integration to Google Maps with full support for a marker and formatted HTML.

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