
Privacy Policy

Flashpoint Limited is a strong proponent of online privacy and protection, and therefore we believe it is important that visitors to our site be aware of the information we collect, and its intended purpose.

This website tracks all visitor movements through our web site. We do not track or record the referring website, or the websites you visit after leaving ours. Tracking only records pages viewed and the visitor’s IP address (Please refer to the section IP Address for further information). This data is recorded only for statistical purposes and is not used to identify the visitor. The information gathered and statistical data collected is solely owned and used by Flashpoint Limited, and is not offered for sale or trade to any other parties.

In certain sections of our site we may require extra information from the visitor, such as your email address on the contact form, more detailed information when making a purchase, or your name and other details for member's areas of the website. The personal information we collect is used only to respond to your query, send you registration details, confirm purchases, and to allow you to receive our newsletters (if you have chosen to receive them)

Web Site Policy

By using this site or any services provided through this site, you expressly consent to the use and disclosure of information as described in this Privacy Statement.

IP Address

Flashpoint Limited records the visitors IP address for the purpose of analyzing our own website statistics. This data may also be used for the purposes of tracking any hacking, hijacking, DOS or any other illegal activity conducted by a visitor. When such an offence is detected, the only the offending data will be handed over to the appropriate authorities.


"Cookies" are small pieces of information that your browser stores on your computer on behalf of a website that you have visited. Session (temporary) cookies are the only form of cookie currently used by Flashpoint Limited and are only used to enhance navigation within the website. These cookies are destroyed when the user closes their web browser.

Changes to This Policy

Flashpoint Limited reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Notice of policy changes will be posted on the website.
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